Firmware 2.80 wasn’t the PS Cloud rumor, but rather an update that kept the PS3 unhacked.
Blu-Ray has steadily been gaining momentum with the constant release of blockbuster titles and the decreasing costs of both players…
The Splitfish Frag Pro is any FPS lover’s dream. Not only does it allow the user to take advantage of…
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge is one of the many stellar titles headed to the PSP this year, as well as the…
Dissidia Final Fantasy is getting a PSP bundle in time for its release on August 25th. However, this bundle will…
Pata-Shirts are available in Home and now at least one will be available in the real world. The sad part…
Bionic Commando: Rearmed is the updated version of the NES classic by Capcom. It was released on PSN several months…
How long does it take to answer all of our MAG questions? Apparently, just a little under 12 mintues.
Square Enix has barely made its entrance into the Western gaming market with the purchase of Eidos. And apparently, this… has just revealed what we all hoped was true. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is back. There is a great…
The Madden Curse occurs every year to the (un)fortunate football player that graces the cover. Some players have been injured…
There was a universal outcry against the need to create a Konami ID to play the MGO beta. PlayStation 3…
Home has steadily gained momentum since the start of the Open Beta. It seems that every other week, another addition…
Zone of the Enders. Have you heard of it? It is pure mechanized goodness brought to you by Hideo Kojima…