A major PlayStation exclusive is apparently among a lengthy list of games leaving PS Plus Extra and Premium in May 2024. Earlier today, some users reported seeing Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn among this month’s departures. However, the game doesn’t appear in the “Last Chance to Play” section.
25 games confirmed to be leaving PS Plus Extra and Premium in May 2024… thus far
Reports first emerged on Reddit, where one user posted a screenshot of Horizon Zero Dawn’s PS Store page that states the game is set to leave the PS Plus catalog on May 21. That’s the date the other 25 confirmed departures are set to happen as well.
What’s odd, though, is that Horizon Zero Dawn neither appears in the “Last Chance to Play” section nor does the notice of the game leaving PS Plus appear for everyone. When I noticed some users stating that they don’t see the departure date while others claimed that they do, I checked out Horizon Zero Dawn’s U.S. and U.K. store pages and noticed that the message appears on the U.K. page but not the U.S. one (at least not at the time of this writing). You can check out the screenshot I took below.

In the absence of an official word, we can only assume that this is either a bug or Horizon Zero Dawn is actually leaving PS Plus. In case of the latter, players are speculating that we’ll hear the announcement of the long-rumored Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 remaster/remake at the (also rumored) PlayStation Showcase.