Star Wars Outlaws Campaign Length

Star Wars Outlaws Campaign Length Revealed

Star Wars Outlaws creative director Julian Gerighty has confirmed the length of the game’s campaign. The open-world action-adventure RPG will have plenty of content for those who want to spend more time with the game, but there will also be a “golden path adventure” for those who don’t want to grind everything the game has to offer.

How long will it take to complete Star Wars Outlaws?

Players who just want to experience the story will get a 25-30-hour-long “golden path adventure.” Completionists will be able to spend 50-60 hours with the game. As Gerighty explained to VGC, “for a guy with a family and a job, it’s still a fair amount of time.”

Gerighty had already explained that the game would not be a “200 or 300 hour epic unfinishable RPG.” The shorter Star Wars Outlaws campaign length allows the team “to really focus on the detail.”

Some of those details were shown off in the latest Ubisoft Forward show. The game overview trailer explained how Kay is an original scoundrel and the high-risk, high-reward jobs that she can take on to earn favor with the galaxy’s crime syndicates. There was also a look at the underworld, and some of the locations players can explore like the jungle world of Akiva, the ancient city of Kijimi, and the savannah moon of Toshara.

Another gameplay showcase went into more detail on one of the game’s expert quests. Completing quests for experts allows Kay to learn new skills and in this one, she needs to gather intel about a gunslinger on Tatooine. In the meantime, she also aids a Pyke Syndicate freighter and explores Mos Eisley.

The final trailer featured Associate Narrative Director John Bjorling as he broke down some of the smaller details that players may have missed in the gameplay showcase. These included more details on Kay’s speeder, blaster, and her ship, the Trailblazer. There are also Easter eggs to find in the Akiva system and on Tatooine.

Star Wars Outlaws will be released on August 30, 2024. Those who preorder the Gold Edition or Ultimate Edition can get three days of early access starting on August 27.